Producing home-grown energy – that is energy sourced in Britain for use in Britain, builds energy security for Britain. This is a priority parameter for all of our energy production ventures.
Currently, gas supplies 43% of UK's primary energy and 85% of UK homes rely on gas for heating. With UK domestic gas production forecast to fall to ~30% of current levels by 2035, the UK is increasingly reliant of foreign imports, with up to 80% of UK gas to be imported by 2030 and nearly half of which will be in the form of LNG imports.
LNG imports are significantly more carbon intensive than domestically produced gas, thereby showing the environmental benefits of home-grown gas vs the current alternatives.
With up to 2000 BCF of discovered undeveloped gas resources in the East Irish Sea and existing infrastructure and proximity to market, EnergyPathways believes this unique location has a critical role to play in supporting UK's energy security and pathway to net zero.